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Local Wallets

Local wallets are an in-memory wallet that can hold multiple accounts. Wallets are a convenient way to sign and send transactions in web3.js


If used within the browser, wallets are not saved anywhere and disappear when the page is refreshed. If used within your application, wallets will disappear after the program is completed.

Create a Wallet with a random account​

import { Web3 } from "web3";

const web3 = new Web3(/* PROVIDER */);

* creates wallet with 1 account
* @param: number of accounts you want to create within the wallet
const wallet = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.create(1);
/* ↳
Wallet(1) [
address: '0xE0A7859c5454B369Ab8089890A11efcB458eA13c',
privateKey: '0x0199829f0c95213670d48aa48abdb36c16c2ec3d11fe20e1fa8c0270ffb64110',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
_accountProvider: {
create: [Function: createWithContext],
privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccountWithContext],
decrypt: [Function: decryptWithContext]
_addressMap: Map(1) { '0xe0a7859c5454b369ab8089890a11efcb458ea13c' => 0 },
_defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'

Create an account and add it to an empty Wallet​

Creating an Account and add it to a Wallet
import { Web3 } from "web3";

const web3 = new Web3(/* PROVIDER */);

// 1st - creating a new account
const account = web3.eth.accounts.create();
/* ↳
address: '0x0770B4713B62E0c08C43743bCFcfBAA39Fa703EF',
privateKey: '0x97b0c07e275a0d8d9983331ca1a7ecb1a4a6f7dcdd7657529fe07446fa4dfe23',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]

// 2nd - add the account to the wallet
const wallet = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(account);
/* ↳
Wallet(1) [
address: '0x0770B4713B62E0c08C43743bCFcfBAA39Fa703EF',
privateKey: '0x97b0c07e275a0d8d9983331ca1a7ecb1a4a6f7dcdd7657529fe07446fa4dfe23',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
_accountProvider: {
create: [Function: createWithContext],
privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccountWithContext],
decrypt: [Function: decryptWithContext]
_addressMap: Map(1) { '0x0770b4713b62e0c08c43743bcfcfbaa39fa703ef' => 0 },
_defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'

Import a privateKey and add it to an empty Wallet​

Creating a wallet and adding an account with a private key
import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3(/* PROVIDER */);

// add an account to the wallet using a private key
const privateKey = '0x4651f9c219fc6401fe0b3f82129467c717012287ccb61950d2a8ede0687857ba'
const wallet = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(privateKey);
/* ↳
Wallet(1) [
address: '0x9E82491d1978217d631a3b467BF912933F54788f',
privateKey: '0x4651f9c219fc6401fe0b3f82129467c717012287ccb61950d2a8ede0687857ba',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
_accountProvider: {
create: [Function: createWithContext],
privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccountWithContext],
decrypt: [Function: decryptWithContext]
_addressMap: Map(1) { '0x9e82491d1978217d631a3b467bf912933f54788f' => 0 },
_defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'